Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Favorite Little Guy

My best friend's son just turned 1! It's hard to believe a whole year has passed since he was born. I have some awesome pictures from his birthday, BUT they were shot in RAW and I'm still in the process of converting them :( I promise to share a few of those soon. Until then, check out these I took at our park adventure last weekend. This was his first time in the swing. He LOVED it.

At first I was a little disappointed that I didn't get better shots. When in the moment, it's hard for me to remember everything I've learned about my camera- aperture, shutter speed, ISO ahhh!...and then the moment is gone. I need to keep reminding myself that I'm still learning. So what if the pictures aren't perfect; I captured a moment that we will never be able to get back!
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  1. I think these are beautiful pictures! He is adorable!

  2. I'm no professional, but I think these shots look great! Looks like he had a blast at the park :)

    1. Thank you! If you only new how many shots I took...these were the only shots that came out nicely.

  3. These are great shots! Theres nothing glaringly technically wrong that I can see, and the moment is precious!

    1. These shots are just not as crisp as I'd like them to be. I would have liked to do less during post time I'll do better.
