Friday, February 21, 2014

Let It Fly

Last weekend Mr. Wonderful played in a football tournament. I decided to go all the way to Plant City and spend my day watching sweaty boys play football because that's what a good wife does (plus I figured it would be a great place for me to practice using my camera). The weather was beautiful- clear skys, a cool breeze and lots of sunshine. It felt so nice that I didn't realize that I got a little too much sun on my face until I got home and looked in the mirror. I'm a little frustrated with my lack of ability at the moment. There were so many moments I tried to capture, but just didn't come out right. Here's the best I got that day:
Mr. Wonderful's team lost their first game, but ended up winning 2 out of 3 games on Saturday and Played 2 more on Sunday. Team morale was definitely up at the end of the day.

I was having issues with Mr. Wonderful looking like a black shadow, so halfway through the day I decided to try to shoot in RAW format because I wanted to be able to adjust the levels more once the images were on my computer. Now that I have a ton of RAW images on my computer (I have tons from Sunday too) I'm completely overwhelmed with how to convert/edit them all. I have Elements and I'm pretty confident in my abilities using it. I downloaded the RAW file converter. It is just taking me for-ev-er to make all the adjustments. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Oh, how I love that smile in the second to last shot!! What great pictures!

    Thanks for linking up this week!

  2. It sounds like you had an awesome day watching football! : ). Your husband has a great smile. I barely ever shoot raw. Only when I am shooting a wedding. I wish I could give you some good advice about converting them. Can you use Bridge with Elements? I think that is a very helpful way to edit.

    1. I will definitely look into Bride! Thank you for suggesting it

  3. What a supportive wife! Looks they had a good time, especially pulling out a few wins :)

    1. They had a blast, and it wasn't as bad for me as I thought it'd be. lol

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! I don't shoot in RAW for a couple reasons - one being that the files are too big for my computer to handle, and two because I have no idea what to do with them, haha. So I can't help you there. But I'm sure video tutorials on youtube are abundant! Thanks for linking up with photography friday! :)

    1. I've tried youtube. I can now convert them to jpeg, but only one-by-one. I need a more efficient system. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. I'll be back for your link up Friday :)
